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Mambang Tatani
What can one say!!! God loves you more. May your gentle soul rest in peace.
Joe Njemo
May the almighty God grant you peace as you rest in his bossom."SENGHA . I`ll miss that smile that was so unique.My boy R.I.P
There is only one" Mr John";yesterday, today and for ever.RIP & rise to the Lord bro! Till we meet again.God is good.
Peggy Musonda
Ebubu, all I can can say is you've gone too soon . We will miss u. R.I.P
Peggy Musonda
Ebubu all I can say
Gavin Steele and Family
May your heart and soul find peace and comfort. May the blessings of love be upon you, May its peace abide with you, May its essence illuminate your heart, Now and forever more
T Mutah
If Love, kindness and trustwothy were a leafy then, I can certainly confirm that you were tall fresh tree. I will 4va miss you
J Somo
Your love, care n kindness you portrayed to us will never leave us for eternity. God loves you more your soul shall rest in peace.
Pat Nana
And Death came and took away a perfect smile; And Death came and took away an infectious laughter; Go in Peace rest in Peace
Tekunde Emmanuel
Death is a step toward enternity and rest in perfect peace my boy tilll we meet a again.Sango muduwah mota Longe. Rest in peace pa
Bola Lynda Bambot
What a world! Why so soon? What went wrong from the 20th to the 26th? My only consolation is that God Knows best. Rest in peace br
Sylva Ngen
In all the world we shall not find A heart so wonderfully kind, So soft a voice, so sweet a smile, Inspiration worthwhile; A sympathy so sure, so deep A love so beautiful to keep.Adieu Ma Man
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