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Les Bougies dèrnieres
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Daniel Saku Dotta Tribute May 6, 2012
This is the way we shall all pass, but I think u did it so soon. I am wane and week and depressed, but when i remember that its God's will then I am strong again. Your departure creats a big vacuum in the entire family and friend's life. But I hope that The Lord Almighty who called you home so suddenly will give us the strength and courage to live with this vacuum untill the day He call us home too when we shall meet to part no more.
Rest in peace my big bro.
efite burnley and sossa fausti senior brother May 5, 2012
i will never again hear on my phone that call of your voice pecos how.i dont know why satan decided to supervise us just at the time when your kids and wife are expecting the best.ebubu i find it difficult to belief.even though i walk through the path of darknees john you will always be my gaurdiian yondo suelele
OMAR Mr May 4, 2012
dear JOHN life is richer when some like you is apart of it
 you are so lovely person really iam going to MISS YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE LOVEABLE
nyong mutia Missing you loads May 4, 2012
what moves through us is silence,a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day,one more word, one more touch,we may not undersatand why you left so soon or why you left without giving us the opportunity to say Good-bye.But little by little,we begin to remember not just that you died but that you lived.My condolences to your lovely kids and family.Cry
Titi Effoe RIP May 4, 2012
My heartfelt condolence to the entire Efite Family.Ebubu may the good Lord grant you eternal rest & peace forever. You will be missed.
                           EBUBU,EBUBU, YONDO SUEWELELE!
Alice Nkea Mrs May 3, 2012
Hi John

Death has snatch you from us.  I feel so sad writing and tears can not stop running down my cheeks.  The thought that i wil not hear your encouraging words and laughter again has humbled me.  Only God knows why he has called you in your prime of life.  If we had the gift of life even only for an hour then we would have utilised it just to hear your laughter one more time.   Rest in peace my friend i will always remember you.
Angu Mercy May your Gentle Soul Rest in Perfect Peace May 3, 2012
Hey John,
Its so sad to write about you resting in peace with the Lord at this tender age. I guess we will learn from your life style and add value to the things we cherish most and appreciate every moment we spend with our kids, family and love ones. May the good Lord receive you in his kingdom and prepare a place for us. May the Lord Protect and Provide for the family you left behind. Rest in Perfect Peace. 
THE FAMILY OF NONG WUNG JOHN WISHES TO EXTEND THEIR HEART FELT CONDOLOENCE TO THE EFITE'S FOR THE PASSING AWAY OF THEIR SON EBUBU. On behalf of my mum and dad, kum, Alex, Vicky and myself we extend ur hrtfelt condolence to the burief family.

My dearest uncle, you are gone but not forgotten, you will remain in my heart forever may you soul rest in peace and say hello to my Aunt and my grand Dad not forgetting Mojoko till we meet to part no more.

  Berryl Efite
mercy ekoko Missing you May 3, 2012
My friend , my brother words cant describe what i feel inside right now.  You were a true friend who will always 
  listern to   my     problems and put a big smile on my face like i dont have a problem. We all gonna miss you a lot
  We love you but God loves u more. Go well dear and prepare a place for us for we shall all join one day. May God be the strengh to u Entire Family and all your loved ones you left behind.
    You will forever be miss
Condoléances totales: 32
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